Saturday, May 15, 2010

"First Report" - Tom Triplitt

Intrepid Travelers leaving from GSP

Arriving in Suzhou

Good Evening from Suzhou, China!

Our intrepid group met at the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport just before 11 AM on Friday, May 14 and have just arrived at our hotel in Suzhou, China at about 11 PM on Saturday, May 15. We did lose 12 hours crossing the international date line, but we were travelling for about 24 hours. We were met at the Shanghai airport by our tour guide and the dean of the language school in Suzhou.

Everyone seemed none the worse for wear after our long journey and are ready for a full three days of activities in this small (by China standards) city of only 7 million people. Our hotel is 5-star and we are in a bustling entertainment section, so there will be plenty to do in our free time. No one felt quite like going out tonight, though.

It was dark when we landed in Shanghai, so we were not able to see much on our bus ride, but lots and lots of construction on apartment buildings and other things. Suzhou is the Venice of China, so we are looking forward to exploring the canals in the daylight.